Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy: Waiver of HIPAA Rights for Electronic Transmission

By agreeing to the terms of this privacy policy, you acknowledge and consent to the waiver of your rights under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) with respect to the electronic transmission of your protected health information (PHI). This waiver applies specifically to the transmission of PHI through electronic means, such as email, online forms, text messages or other digital communication platforms, where your data may be accessed or shared as part of our services. While we strive to use secure methods for data transmission, electronic communication inherently carries risks, including potential interception or unauthorized access. By entering your information onto our website, you will automatically waive your HIPPA rights. You will assume these risks and release us from liability related to the security of your PHI during electronic transmission.

Your consent to this waiver does not affect your rights concerning other aspects of HIPAA. You retain the ability to access, amend, and request restrictions on your PHI as defined by HIPAA regulations. This waiver applies solely to the method of transmission and does not authorize further use or disclosure of your PHI beyond what is necessary for providing the agreed-upon services. If you prefer not to waive your HIPAA rights, we offer alternative, non-electronic means of communication to ensure compliance with HIPAA's privacy and security standards.

Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA)

Protects electronic, oral, and wire communications from unauthorized access, disclosure, use, and interception. The ECPA applies to email, telephone conversations, and electronically stored data. 

  • HIPAA Security Rule

    Requires covered entities to protect e-PHI by ensuring its confidentiality, integrity, and availability. They must also identify and protect against threats to the security of the information.

  • Any information placed into our website may be at risk by external entities. All rights are waived if communication occurs through our website, booking sites or online forms.